BBQ Magazine

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Cedar plank chalk stream trout

with asparagus, radish, sorrel & spring onion salad

Try Phil Yeomans' recipe for Cedar Plank Trout paired with a zesty spring salad. A fresh and vibrant dish perfect for any mealtime.


Trout (one piece per person)

 2 radish (per person)

 Olive oil

 Sherry vinegar

 1 spring onion (per person)

 3 asparagus (per person)

 Handful of sorrel

 Fresh dill (few sprigs)

 Sea salt

 Créme fraiche (1 tablespoon per person)

 Lemon juice

 Chilli (optional)


1. Cut your trout to desired size, season well with sea salt and a squeeze of lemon an hour before cooking. 

2. Make sure your plank has been soaked in water at least a few hours before use. 

3. Heat your BBQ to 200-250°C.

4. Finely slice the radish, dress with olive oil and sherry vinegar, season with sea salt 

5. Rub the asparagus with a little olive oil and grill direct to add some colour. Add the spring onions and scorch till blackened. Chop the asparagus and spring onions into nice pieces and place in a bowl. Add the pickled radish to the bowl with sliced sorrel and chopped dill. Season to taste.

6. Take some crème fraiche and season; add a squeeze of lemon juice and some chopped sorrel. 

7. Place your plank over the direct heat and leave for a minute until some smoke starts to show and your hear some crackles; flip the board and repeat the process, then add your trout fillets to the board. I place the board on the side of the direct heat so its catching the edge and the rest of the board indirect and cook with the lid shut. Cook until the trout reaches 55°C internal then remove from the grill and rest. Add the spring salad and dress trout with the crème fraiche.

8. If you like your spice, add a few chopped red chillies on top.