BBQ Magazine

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Coffee-smoked Orange Brownies

Experience dessert on the grill with our Coffee-smoked Orange Brownies, an inventive twist on the classic treat. This recipe elegantly infuses chocolate brownies with a hint of coffee smoke and citrus, all baked to perfection inside a fresh orange.


Serves 6

3 small oranges

100g pure chocolate

110g butter

100g sugar

2 egg yolk

2 whole eggs

45g plain flour

Handful of coffee beans 


Indirect 180°C 


15 minutes


In the kitchen

1. Melt the chocolate and butter in a pan or bain-marie. Stir until smooth then allow to cool.

2. Next, whisk the eggs, the egg yolk and the sugar in a separate bowl until they are fluffy and pale.

3. Mix the chocolate mixture with the egg mixture. 

4. Add the flour and spoon until it is smooth.

5. Cut the oranges in half, spoon out the flesh of the orange and fill it with the brownie mixture

At the barbecue

1. Prepare the barbecue for indirect heat, approximately 180°C. If using a 57cm charcoal barbecue, you will need ½ chimney starter of lit Weber briquettes. 

2. Pre-soak the coffee beans and sprinkle them on the charcoal. Place them in the smoker box if you use a gas or electric barbecue.

3. Place the oranges indirectly on the grill rack and grill for 15 minutes with the lid closed or until the brownies are cooked if not a little gooie in the center. 


If necessary, also carefully cut some of the skin off the bottom of the orange. This way it will remain upright on the grill. 

This recipe is featured in the new Weber Grill Academy Smokehouse Course