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Spiced duck with orange sauce

Try our Spiced Duck with Orange Sauce, a tantalising mix of zesty citrus and aromatic spices. Perfect with new potatoes. By Mike Tomkins for Kamado Joe


 2 duck breasts

 Olive oil

 1 shallot

 1 garlic clove

 1 tbsp five-spice powder

 Small knob of fresh ginger, minced

 1 star anise

 Pinch of pink peppercorns

 Pinch of Szechuan pepper

 1 bay leaf

 15ml of white wine vinegar

 10g granulated sugar

 15ml Grand Marnier (orange liquor)

 50ml orange juice with no bits

 300ml gelatinous chicken stock (proper stock, not the cubes)

 Salt & pepper


1. Set your Kamado Joe up for direct cooking at around 160°C. 

2. Score the skin of the duck breast and season well, add the duck to a cold, dry, cast-iron pan skin side down and cook on a medium heat until the skin is brown and crispy. This should take around 5 minutes, remove the duck from the pan and place on the grill skin side up.

3. While the duck is cooking, finely chop the shallot and garlic and add to the pan with the duck juice along with the minced ginger, Szechuan pepper, five spice and cook until softened. Add a splash of vinegar to the pan, or, as the chefs say, deglaze the pan with the vinegar. Add the star anise, pink peppercorns, bay leaf and sugar. 

Reduce until this resembles a syrup.

4. Remove the duck breasts a few degrees before the desired temperature of 52°C; allow to rest while you finish off the sauce.

5. Add the Grand Marnier and orange juice and reduce until thick. Add the stock and reduce the sauce by two thirds. Pass through a fine sieve, discarding the shallots and spices. 

6. Slice the duck into portions. Serve with crushed new potatoes and the sauce.